Ladybird Boat Trust

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Group Trips

Over 8 passengers – Up to 20 (reduced if wheelchairs onboard)

Bookings Temporarily Suspended Until 01/03/2025

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Single & Small Group Trips

1 - 7 passengers

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About the Ladybird and Ladybird Boat Trust

Hartford Marina, Huntingdon, Registered Charity No. 1153894

The Boat

The Ladybird Boat Trust (LBT) was set up in 2013 and is based at Hartford Marina near Huntingdon. The vessel Ladybird is wheelchair accessible and accommodates up to 20 passengers in a large heated cabin complete with kitchen and wheelchair accessible toilet facilities. The open foredeck area enables passengers to enjoy to the full the magnificent scenery and wildlife on the river.

Please click on this link if you require more information.

The Service

The service operates from mid April to early October and is crewed by a Boatmaster and trained crew, all of whom are volunteers who give up their time and skills to run nearly 150 trips a year.
We do carry out a limited number of evening trips.
We operate 1-5 hour trips typically between 10:00–15:00hr and is either upstream towards Godmanchester and Brampton, or downstream to the Hemingfords and St Ives. Please look at FAQ for ideas.
If you are booking a morning 3-hour then the trip must start no later than 10:30. This allows us to operate two trips on the day.

Passenger Groups

Trips are open to groups of the disadvantaged or disabled, young or elderly (and their carers) based within reasonable road travel distance from our base on the Great Ouse near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire.  Many groups return year after year and the annual boat trip is a highlight in their year. 

In 2023 we had 140 booked trips made and we welcomed many Specialist Groups, Day Centres, Care Homes and many other groups.


The Trust works hard to cover the £18,000 annual running costs and the majority of this money is from donations made by passengers and groups. If passengers are able to make a donation themselves this is always very gratefully received.

The major costs we have to meet are include Mooring fees; Insurance; Maritime & Coastguard Agency annual survey costs; Maintenance & lift out costs and Fuel.

Individuals/Small Groups

We run a number of trips for small groups and individuals with their companion/carer. We leave Hartford Marina at the time indicated and travel towards St Ives or Brampton Lock.

If you would like further details or to make a booking then click the button below.

Request Info

Trips are currently running on the following days.

  • Tuesday 22nd April - 10:00 to 15:00 (5hr} travelling downstream towards St Ives and return. PICNIC ONLY PLACES STILL AVAILABLE
  • Thursday 22nd May - 10:00 to 15:00 (5hr} travelling upstream towards Godmanchester and return. PICNIC ONLY PLACES STILL AVAILABLE
  • Monday 16th June - 10:00 to 13:00 (3hr) travelling downstream towards Hemingford and return. PICNIC ONLY PLACES STILL AVAILABLE
  • Monday 16th June - 14:00 to 17:00 (3hr) travelling upstream towards Godmanchester and return. PICNIC ONLY TRIP FULL
  • Tuesday 22nd July - 10:00 to 15:00 (5hr) travelling downstream towards St Ives and return. PICNIC only PLACES STILL AVAILABLE
  • Thursday 21st August - 10:00 to 13:00 (3hr) travelling downstream towards Hemingford and return. PICNIC only PLACES STILL AVAILABLE
  • Thursday 21st August - 14:00 to 17:00 (3hr) travelling upstream towards Godmanchester and return. PICNIC ONLY PLACES STILL AVAILABLE
  • Friday 26th September - 10:00 to 15:00 (5hr) travelling upstream towards Godmanchester and return. PICNIC only PLACES STILL AVAILABLE

Listen to an interview on Huntingdon Community Radio about the Ladybird. It is a fairly big file so please be patient whilst it loads! Listen Here.

Please take a moment to read a letter from Sir John Baird regarding the history, and the future, of Ladybird - Click Here

Watch a video about the Ladybird by clicking on this link Here.

Video of the Ladybird on ITV News (July 19). Here.

Look East - Ukrainian Mothers Sunday (2022). Here.

President of the LBT

Lady Mary Baird

Trustees of the LBT

Mick Mean - Chairman
Andy Nicol - Treasurer
Gary Pyle - Secretary
Tony Buckland - Boat Manager
Richard Birch - H&S
Ian Hill - Public Relations

Frequently Asked Questions about Ladybird

Please find a selection of commonly asked questions and answers below.


We do not set a trip cost but when asked suggest a £15 donation for 4-5 hr trips and at least £10 donation for shorter trips.

Our boatmaster can accept cash or cheque donations onboard. We also now have a card reader and can accept card payment. Alternatively, you can use the BACS system. (Please go to Donations to see details of paying by BACS).

We are an independent charity, and raising the money to continue to operate is an important issue. If you can contribute in any way, all donations will be gratefully received and will help support those less fortunate. All the crew are all volunteers, but we have fixed costs of insurance, mooring fees, maintenance, and fuel which amount to approximately £18,000 a year. However, we are committed to providing free trips for groups or individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to contribute to our costs. If you consider that this applies to you then please get in touch with us.



These are morning trips, and the finish time is no later than 1330hrs to permit an afternoon trip. This trip MUST be booked for 1000hrs-1330hrs if you are intending to stop for fish & chips. If you are eating on the boat, then a 3 hour trip with a start no later than 1030 is possible.

Fish & chips can be ordered from Rumbles Fish Bar in Godmanchester (King James Retail Centre Ermine St, Godmanchester PE29 2PA (tel 01480 417673) on the day and and will be delivered to the boat. NB The portions are large and those with smaller appetites might wish to share. The shop must be informed at a minimum, the day before the trip.

St Ives

The Local Fish & Chip shop, 6 Crown Street, St Ives. (tel 01480 494156) – The mooring at the Waits is about 200 metres away. Fish & Chips are ordered during the trip and can be collected to eat on the boat (min 4 hr trip). Please allow 5 hrs to eat in the restaurant.


Group trips will have between 8 and a maximum of 20 passengers on board. Reduced if there are wheelchairs in the cabin. Two chairs are removed for each wheelchair. Therefore, if there are six wheelchairs (maximum number) then the total number of passengers on the trip will be 14.


The toilet on board is available for all users and is wheelchair accessible.


The majority of our passengers are on trips organised by groups that support the disadvantaged and disabled and elderly. These include Specialist Groups, Friendship, Day Centres, Residential, Care Homes and retirement community groups. We also provide some trips for educational purposes to schools and the scouting/guide movement. If you are not part of a group, then you can join one of our individual trips that are available.


Normally trips take place Monday to Friday from April to the start of October inclusive between the hours of 10am to 3pm. However, on days when we run two shorter (2-3 hour) trips there is more flexibility on times, finishing up till 5 pm. We also operate a limited number of extra trips late afternoon or early evening (subject to crew availability).


Vehicles can unload close to the boat with easy access to the cabin. We can take a maximum of 6 wheelchairs on any trip. To create space we need to remove 2 seats per wheelchair and therefore the total group size will be 20 minus the number of wheelchairs.

(eg. 20 – 6 wheelchairs = max 14 passengers in wheelchairs and on seats)

We need ready access and therefore we ask that any walkers onboard are collapsed where possible. Although they will be available for use at any time.


Trips booked can be from 1 - 5 hours and depends on whether you wish to stop for a picnic or get off the boat. The following are some ideas and are given as a guide to timings starting and finishing at Hartford Marina. Please email us if you wish to discuss your trip. If at all possible, we would prefer that trips of three hours or less are booked for morning starting between 10-10:30 hrs (to finish by 13:30 hrs) or in the afternoon from 14:00 or later so we can offer another trip on the same day.

Please note river conditions on the day can affect any pre-made plans and so cannot be guaranteed.

These are suggestions to give an idea of the time required. However please contact bookings if you require advice.

Up to 2 Hours

  • Trip on River Ouse between Houghton Mill Lock and Godmanchester Lock. (lunch available at Hartford Mill)
  • Downstream through Houghton Lock to Hemingford Grey

3 Hours

  • Through Godmanchester Lock into Godmanchester Basin and collect fish & chips to eat on the boat. This trip can be booked starting between 1000hr- 1030hrs finishing no later than 1330hrs.
  • Hemingford Grey (stop for picnic) via Houghton Lock and return.
  • Brampton via Godmanchester Lock.
  • Three hours trip to Brampton Lock or Hemingford Lock followed by carvery or wide ranging menu at Hartford Mill.

3.5 Hours (or trips in previous sections)

  • Through Godmanchester Lock into Godmanchester Basin and collect fish & chips mooring at Godmanchester Park. Trip times 1000hrs -1330 hrs.

4 Hours (or trips in previous sections)

  • Travel to St Ives (no stop).
  • Travel to Hemingford Lock, stop for picnic at Hemingford Grey then travel upstream to Huntingdon and return to Marina.
  • Travel to St Ives - Collect fish & chips (no stop).
  • Travel to St Ives or beyond Brampton Lock (no stop) and return.

5 Hours (or trips in previous sections)

  • Travel to St Ives with approximately 60 to 75 minutes to leave the boat for a meal or to walk around the town. Monday is market day (smaller market on Friday). Visit the Norris Museum which is adjacent to our mooring at the Waits.
  • Travel to St Ives and eat at the Local Cafe (about 200 metres from mooring). Need to book. Wetherspoons & Ivo lounge are in the centre plus cafes in Bridge Street).
  • The commute café is 50 metres from the mooring and coffees, cakes and paninis are available.
  • Travel to St Ives & have a picnic or fish & chips moored at the Waits (beside the Norris Museum) or travel to Nobles field to eat on the bankside or on the Ladybird.
  • Travel to Brampton Lock and stop to eat fish & chips at Godmanchester either on the boat or in the park.
  • Travel upstream through Brampton Lock and stop for fish & chips at Godmanchester.


There is a small galley kitchen on board with microwave and hot water heater. We have tables, plates, cutlery and mugs. You need to bring your own coffee, tea, milk, other drinks and other utensils that you might require. You might wish to bring your own food and this can be eaten on board or we can moor beside the bank and you can picnic on the riverbank or in a park.

You might wish to have food delivered to the boat or stop at a restaurant or pub. These are some suggestions. However organisation and booking of this is your responsibility.


These are morning trips, and the finish time is no later than 1330hrs to permit an afternoon trip. This trip MUST be booked for 1000hrs-1330hrs if you are intending to stop for fish & chips. If you are eating on the boat, then a 3 hour trip with a start no later than 1030 is possible.

Fish & chips can be ordered from Rumbles Fish Bar in Godmanchester (King James Retail Centre Ermine St, Godmanchester PE29 2PA (tel 01480 417673) on the day and and will be delivered to the boat. NB The portions are large and those with smaller appetites might wish to share. The shop must be informed at a minimum, the day before the trip.

St Ives
  • The Local Fish & Chip shop, 6 Crown Street, St Ives. (tel 01480 494156) – The mooring at the Waits is about 200 metres away. Fish & Chips can be collected to eat on the boat (min 4 hr trip). Please allow 5 hrs to eat in the restaurant.
  • The Local Cafe – The mooring at the Waits is about 200 metres away. Good sized menu including specials, sandwiches etc. This is a 5 hour trip. (tel 01480394088)
  • The Commute Café is about 40 metres from the mooring. Coffees, cakes and a light lunch available. (tel 07918602202)
  • There are other pubs and cafes that might be available depending on the size of the group. These include in the centre - Wetherspoons, Ivo lounge and the taproom plus various cafes.
Hartford Marina
  • The Hartford Mill pub is about 100 metres from the mooring on the same complex and a vehicle can offload passengers at the front ramp to the pub. A carvery (Nov 2024 price from £6.79 for smaller plate) is available. An extensive menu is also available throughout the day. (tel 01480414311)


We are reliant on the generosity of the groups and passengers using the Ladybird for most of the running costs. The crew are volunteers and give all their time for free and pay all their own transport costs to the Ladybird. If you can gift aid your donation this increases the amount LBT receives by 25%. Please check out our Support Section

If you would like help us financially, this would be very welcome giving a one off donation as a Friend or regular payments by becoming Patron (paying £120 p.a by bankers standing order). Please go to the home page and Donations for further information and the gift aid form.


Only assistance dogs are permitted on board.


No smoking or vaping is permitted on the boat either inside or on the front deck.


Your safety is very important to us.

Crew will be present to provide safe entry and exit to the Ladybird. Before your trip commences the Boatmaster will provide information, and a safety announcement will then be played. The Marine and Coastguard Agency who licence the boat require and inspect our Safety Management Plans for responding to emergencies and that risk assessment for passengers and crew members have been carried out. During the winter months crew carry out training which includes dealing with emergencies, risk awareness and first aid refresher courses.

Our risk assessment and other safety documents can be found by clicking in our Documents section at the top of the page ( or on a mobile by clicking on the three bars on the top right of the page to open up the index)

Support the Ladybird Trust

The Ladybird Boat Trust would be delighted if you would consider helping us financially, thus supporting our work in providing free river based trips for disadvantaged groups.

There are a number of ways of supporting us:

Become a Patron

Find out about the Patron's Club

Patron Details


We are a charity but the costs of operating the Ladybird is approximately £18000 a year even with all crew members being volunteers.
We suggest a donation of £15 for a 4/5 hour trip and at least £10 for a shorter trip.
We understand that for a shorter trip you might wish to donate slightly less.
The boatmaster can accept money or cheques on the day and provide receipts.
We have a card reader if you wish to use a debit or credit card.
Our bank details are below. Please add trip No / group name in Reference.

Barclays Bank Sort code: 20-43-63
A/C No: 93529096
A/C Name: The Ladybird Boat Trust
Ref: Trip No / Group

Gift Aid Form

There are a number of different ways to contact Ladybird

If you have questions about our events, don't hesitate to send us your message.

By Email

Please use the contact form if you have any questions regarding potential trips, facilities or booking a trip on the Ladybird boat.

Send an email to

Boat Mobile


This mobile is only manned during trip hours, and is for emergency use only.
Please only use if you need to contact the boat on the day of your trip.


To contact a trustee please click on the person.

Mick Mean -
Gary Pyle -
Andy Nicol -

By Post

Ladybird Boat Trust
Cedar Lodge
Ramsey St Mary
PE26 2SN

By Phone

Our service provider charges for these calls - Click for Details

Copyright © Ladybird Trust